Telenor Balance Share Code
If you don’t know how to Share Telenor Balance from Telenor to Telenor then don’t worry about it. We will tell you about Telenor Balance Share Code 2023 with Complete details.
Telenor Balance Share Code 2023
Read Also: Telenor Balance Check Code
If you are Telenor prepaid Customer, then you can check your current balance after following some easy dial check codes. We need to share balance when our family members or Friends want to send a balance but they don’t know about Telenor Balance Share Code, so they ask for the Telenor Balance Share code to send the balance for personal usage.
Check This method to Share Balance from Telenor to Telenor Number.
- Dial *1*1*9212345678910#
- You remember that when you dial this code ignores the first Zero of the Telenor Number and after (Pakistan Country Code Number) 92 add your Telenor Number without Zero.
- Press Enter and wait for Popup Message
- When Pop-up Message will show, Confirm with Press 1 to Share the Balance
- You can share a Balance amount of Rs 20 to Rs 200 Per Transaction.
Telenor Balance Share Code 2023
This is a very easy step to Share Telenor Balance from One SIM to Another SIM. Dial 11Telenor Numberamount#
Telenor Balance Share Karna Ka Tarika in Urdu
You can check Telenor Balance Share Karna Ka Tarika in Urdu. These are very easy steps to follow and check balance share Karna ka Tarika in Urdu.
Telenor To Jazz Balance Share Code
To Date, Telenor is offering Only Telenor to Telenor Balance Share Code Offer for Prepaid Customers But Telenor to Jazz Balance Share is not available at this time.
Telenor Balance Share to Ufone
Telenor Telecom Company did not offer any shared code to share Balance Transfer from Telenor to Ufone.
Terms & Conditions
- You can share the balance of Rs 20 to 200 at one Time.
- Telenor Balance Share offer is only valid for Prepaid users.
- When you share your balance, you will be deducted Rs 5.98 from your Balance Account.
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